Guest post by Cbus Super Fund
We’re helping to build the economic recovery, investing for returns and to create jobs.
Cbus is well positioned to be a major contributor to the rebuilding of the Australian economy through strategic long-term investments that will deliver jobs and economic activity now and build our members’ retirement balances for the future.
As a first step Cbus has written to the Commonwealth Government and all State and Territory Premiers and Chief Ministers seeking a meeting to discuss how Cbus can work with them to contribute to the nation’s economic recovery.
Cbus will engage with our union and employer partners as we progress; members may have seen in the news about the recent collaboration between unions and employers on the issue of social and affordable housing investment in the recovery.[1]
Jobs for members
Our members have felt the economic impact of Covid-19 through reduced work hours or projects being put on hold, even though some work has continued in the building and construction industry.
Our industry will have a major role in the economic recovery and Cbus is determined to play our part in Australia’s economic recovery.
We are focussed on keeping current projects going and contributing to a decent pipeline of work over the next few years that will result in decent jobs for our members.
We believe our investments will contribute to around 100,000 Australian jobs through the recovery.
Investing in the recovery
We will focus on more than just large scale commercial and residential property projects to achieve a similar number of jobs through the recovery.
Cbus Property[2] has recently announced an anchor tenant for its Pirie Street development that’s about to commence in Adelaide and will create 2,000 jobs.
We’re looking at providing finance for ‘shovel-ready’ quality construction projects to get them off the ground, and considering funding opportunities for social and affordable housing.
Our members understand super is a long-term investment. At Cbus we build your retirement income while providing you with work and creating jobs in our industry. All contributing to a stronger economy.
For the latest developments on Cbus’ role in the road to recovery for Australia visit
This information is about Cbus. You should read the relevant Cbus Product Disclosure Statement to decide if Cbus is right for you. Call 1300 361 784 or visit for a copy.